60 seconds on Curriculum

Mental Health Awareness

This WebQuest resource addresses how youth mental health has been impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, and encourages young people to develop positive mental health habits.

Drug/Alcohol Use

This WebQuest resource addresses drug and alcohol use among young people in Europe, and provides an overview of the effects of common drugs and alcohol on the behaviour of young people.

Sexual Health

This WebQuest resource advises young people on how they can maintain their sexual health, and practice safe sex when sexually active.

Sexual Orientation

This WebQuest resource addresses the issue of discrimination due to sexual orientation, and provides an overview of how young people are impacted by sexual orientation.

Social Anxiety

This WebQuest resource explores the topic of social anxiety, and how the pandemic has impacted social anxiety rates in young people.

Peer Pressure

This WebQuest resources addresses the issue of peer pressure, and equips young people with the tools to overcome peer pressure.

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