Welcome to the

Hang Out MOOC!

Digital Native Neets - Pathways to Skill Development

The HANGOUT MOOC provides access to a wide range of learning materials targeted towards NEETs and adult educators. The resources for adult educators comprise a Continuous Professional Development Programme to support them to deliver digital media skills training to NEETs, and to integrate new digital tools, and social media platforms into their teaching practice. For NEET learners, the HANGOUT MOOC offers a compendium of WebQuest resources that support them to develop digital media content and give them a voice concerning prevalent topics that need to be addressed across Europe.

PR1 – CPD Programme for Adult Educators

In this section of the MOOC, you can find the Continuous Professional Development Programme for Adult Educators. It includes:  

  • A 4-hour induction to HANGOUT 
  • 21 hours of face-to-face content focused on the technical skills of adult educators 
  • 35 hours of self-directed learning resources 

PR2 - 60 seconds on... 60 minutes on.. Curriculum

Below you can find a WebQuest-based curriculum that supports NEETs to develop their own digital media content, and address concerns of young people across Europe. A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the internet. The “60 seconds on” part of the curriculum supports learners to produce their own 60-second TikTok video on 6 prevalent issues in Europe. The “60 minutes on” part of the curriculum supports NEETs to record, edit, and publish a series of 60-minute podcasts on an additional 6 issues that have been affecting young people in recent years.  

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