60 minutes on.. Curriculum

Social media and mental health

This WebQuest resource addresses the impact of social media on youth mental health, and encourages young people to reflect on their own relationship with social media.

Climate change
and Climate anxiety

This WebQuest resource addresses the topic of climate change, and how it can cause feelings of climate anxiety among young people. .

Money worries
Financial literacy

This WebQuest resource describes the current economic trends affecting young people, and introduces the topic of financial literacy.  

Employment prospects after a pandemic

This WebQuest resource highlights the impact of unemployment on youth wellbeing, and supports young people to improve their employment prospects.

Physical health and obesity in Europe

This WebQuest resource informs young people of the obesity epidemic in Europe, and provides young people with physical health and nutrition advice.

Body image and self-confidence

This WebQuest resources outlines the link between self-confidence and body image, and supports young people to boost their confidence levels by promoting body positivity.

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